Get access to our FAA Digital materials. Plus complete access to our New FAA Exam Helper AI.
Part 107 Simplified
Learn at your own pace, plus get access to our FAA Digital materials and our New FAA Exam Helper AI.
- Part 107 Exam Course
- FAA Knowledge Prep
- FAA Books Like You’ve Never Seen
- Direct Interaction with Instructors
- Multiple Courses to Choose From
- LIVE Support
Choose Your Plan
You get to choose what works for you, and because we offer a low monthly payment, YOU have control on how much you want to spend on YOUR education.
It’s okay if you are working with another UAS/Drone course! You are still welcome to join the UAV Campus for FREE and gain access to the majority our online digital books, as well as our FAA Prep site where you can ask questions and receive answers from our community and instructors.
Pass the FAA Knowledge Exam Without Breaking The Bank!
What do I need to pass the FAA Part 107 Exam?
First you need to study! The exam is challenging and can be difficult to pass on the first try if you’re not already a pilot. That’s why it’s important to have all of the information you need right at your fingertips. UAV Campus guarantees that if you follow our Part 107 Simplified course you will pass on your first try!
Can I switch to a different plan?
At any time you can upgrade or downgrade your membership to keep you focused on learning without breaking the bank.
Any membership may be cancelled, suspended or changed whenever you want. We give you the freedom to choose what’s right for your education.
What is offered with a Proficient Pilot Membership?
If you want to take your career further then you need our Proficient Pilot Membership. It provides access to multiple courses created to keep you proficient and up to date! No need to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to other companies when you can achieve more from UAV Campus for a low monthly payment. Save your money and build your education!
How are you the most affordable drone school?
It’s simple, we only charge you for what you use. We have three simple plans to choose from, if you only want to study and pass the FAA Part 107 Exam then access is as low as $49 per month. This allows you to learn at your own pace with the ability to pause or cancel at any time – even if it’s after the first month!
Do you issue refunds?
We have a Pass Guarantee when you decide to take the FAA Knowledge Exam.
This guarantee covers 1 month of membership. Meaning if you worked hard on your training and took the Knowledge Exam within the first month of signing up and failed you would receive a refund on your payment.
However, if you use our Part 107 Course for more than a month and still fail the FAA Knowledge Exam we will only refund up to one full month (up to $39) of your membership.
For questions on refunds or anything else please reach out to our support team.